





















RNA pull down/RIP




  1. Ren X, Li X, Jia L, Chen D, Hou H, Rui L, Zhao Y,Chen Z*.A small-molecular inhibitor ofNFkB-inducing

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  6. Ramakrishnan SK, Zhang H, Takahashi S, Centofanti B, Periyasamy S, Weisz K,Chen Z,Uhler MD, Rui L,

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  7. Chen Z., Canet, M. J., Sheng, L., Jiang, L., Xiong, Y., Yin, L., and Rui, L. Hepatocyte TRAF3 promotes insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in mice with obesity.Molecular Metabolism.2015 4, 951-960

  8. Jiang B, Shen H,Chen Z, Yin L, Zan L, Rui L.Carboxyl terminus of HSC70-interacting protein (CHIP) downregulates NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK) and suppresses NIK-induced liver injury.J Biol Chem.2015 May 1;290(18):11704-14.

  9. Chen Z, Shen H, Sun C, Yin L, Tang F, Zheng P, Liu Y, Brink R, Rui L.Myeloid Cell TRAF3 Promotes Metabolic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, and Hepatic Steatosis in Obesity.Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.2015 Mar 15;308(6):E460-9.

  10. Sun J, Cui J, He Q,Chen Z, Arvan P, Liu M.Proinsulin misfolding and endoplasmic reticulum stress during the development and progression of diabetes.Mol Aspects Med. 2015 Jan 8. pii: S0098-2997(15)00002-3.

  11. Shen H, Sheng L,Chen Z, Jiang L, Su H, Yin L, Omary MB, Rui L.Mouse hepatocyte overexpression of NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK) triggers fatal macrophage-dependent liver injury and fibrosis.Hepatology.2014 Dec;60 (6):2065-76.

  12. Yuan Q*,Chen Z* (co-first author), Santulli G, Gu L, Yang ZG, Yuan ZQ, Zhao YT, Xin HB, Deng KY, Wang SQ, Ji G. Functional role of calstabin 2 in age-related cardiac alterations.Sci Rep.2014 Dec 11;4:7425.

  13. Chen Z, Morris DL, Lin J, Liu Y, Rui L.SH2B1 in β cells regulates glucosemetabolism by promoting β cell survival and islet expansion.Diabetes.2014, 63 (2), 585-595

  14. Chen Z, Morris DL, Lin J, Liu Y, Rui L. SH2B1 in β cells promotes insulin expression and glucose metabolism in mice.Molecular Endocrinology.2014, 28 (5), 696-705

  15. Sheng L, Liu Y, Jiang L,Chen Z, Zhou Y, Cho KW, Rui L. Hepatic SH2B1 and SH2B2 regulate liver lipid metabolism and VLDL secretion in mice.PloS One. 2013, 8(12):e83269.

  16. Chen Zheng.Nuclear Medicine Contributes to the Identification of Brown Adipose Tissue in Adult Human.J Nucl Med Radiat Ther.2012, 3:5 (Editorial Article)

  17. Sheng L, Zhou Y,Chen Z, Ren D, Cho KW, Jiang L, Shen H, Sasaki Y, Rui L.,NF-kB-inducing Kinase (NIK) Promotes Hyperglycemia and Glucose Intolerance in Obesity by Augmenting Glucagon Action.Nature medicine.2012, 18: 943-949

  18. Shen H, Shao M, Cho KW, Wang S,Chen Z, Sheng L, Wang T, Liu Y, Rui L. Herbal Constituent Sequoyitol Improves Hyperglycemia and Glucose Intolerance by Targeting Hepatocytes, Adipocytes, andβcells.Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.2012, 302 (8): E932-40.

  19. Chen Z, Sheng L, Shen H, Zhao Y, Wang S, Brink R, Rui L. Hepatic TRAF2 regulates glucose metabolism through enhancing glucagon responses.Diabetes.2012, 61:566-573.

  20. Pan C, Zhou R,Chen Z, Chen Y, Wu Y, Miao L, Yin W, Ji G.ERp44 Mediates Gene Transcription via Inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate Receptors in Hela Cells.Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics.2011, 38(8): 706~712.

  21. Tong X,Muchnik M,Chen Z,Patel M,Wu N,Joshi S,Rui L,Lazar MA,Yin L. Transcriptional Repressor E4 Binding Protein 4 (E4BP4) Regulates Metabolic Hormone Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF21) during Circadian Cycles and Feeding.J Biol Chem.2010285(47):36401-9

  22. Wang X,Xie W,Zhang Y,Lin P,Han L,Han P,Wang Y,Chen Z,Ji G,Zheng M,Weisleder N,Xiao RP,Takeshima H,Ma J,Cheng H.Cardioprotection of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Cholesterol-Dependent MG53-Mediated Membrane Repair.Circ Res.2010 107(1):76-83.

  23. Chen Z, Li Z, Wei B, Yin W, Xu T, Kotlikoff MI, Ji G.FKBP12.6-knockout mice display hyperinsulinemia and resistance to high-fat diet-induced hyperglycemia.FASEB J.2010 24: 357-363.

  24. Zhang X*, Tallini YN*,Chen Z*(co-first author), Gan L, Wei B, Doran R, Miao L, Xin HB, Kotlikoff MI, Ji G.Dissociation of FKBP12.6 from ryanodine receptor type 2 is regulated by cyclic ADP-ribose but not beta-adrenergic stimulation in mouse cardiomyocytes.Cardiovasc Res. 2009 Nov 1;84(2):253-62.

  25. Chen Z, Li Z, Peng G, Chen X, Yin W, Kotlikoff MI, Yuan ZQ, Ji G.Extracellular ATP-induced nuclear Ca2+ transient is mediated by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors in mouse pancreatic beta-cells.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009 May 1;382(2):381-4.

  26. Wei B*,Chen Z*(co-first author), Zhang X, Feldman M, Dong XZ, Doran R, Zhao BL, Yin WX, Kotlikoff MI, Ji G.Nitric oxide mediates stretch-induced Ca2+ release via activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt pathway in smooth muscle.PLoS One. 2008 Jun 25;3(6):e2526.

  27. Zhang LQ*, Zhang HJ*, Guo P, Xue P, Xie ZS,Chen Z, Jing GZ.C-terminal effect of Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis ribosome recycling factor on its activity and conformation changes.Arch Biochem Biophys. 2007 Oct 15;466(2):211-20.

  28. Wang M,Chen Z, Xing Y, Zhang X, Dong XZ, Ji GJ.Localized Ca2+ uncaging induces Ca2+ release through IP3R in smooth muscle.Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2006 Jul;27(7):939-44.