时间: 2012年8月9日(周四)上午10点
地点: 哈工大科学园2E栋405会议室
题目: 海量生物数据的智能分析
地点: 哈工大科学园2E栋405会议室
题目: 海量生物数据的智能分析
Dr. Allan Tucker 就职于英国 Brunel University大学,研究的主要方向是利用进化生物学以及贝叶斯方法处理高通量的多维表达数据,包括数据挖掘、高通量数据的知识提炼以及数据的系统生物学智能分析等领域,担任Nature Protocols, PLOS ONE, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation等多种国际著名科技期刊的编审工作。
Abstract: Over the last few decades there has been an explosion in the ability to both record and store data. We now often have terrabytes of heterogenous data for a domain and this demands novel approaches to the analysis. As a result new fields of research have appeared such as Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery and Intelligent Data Analysis which aim to directly meet this challenge head on by discovering knowledge directly from the data, sometimes by incorporating prior expertise. In this talk, Allan Tucker will discuss some of his research at the Centre for Intelligent Data Analysis based in Brunel Univeristy, West London, UK.